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How do I get an even wash on Aquabord without streaking?

Ampersand's Product and Education Manager demonstrates how to get an even, streak free, wash on Aquabord.

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Comment by Judy |

Hi, I usually do a pencil drawing on Aquabord before painting. I've never tried a workable fixative, but I am tired of smudging pencil. Will a spray workable fixative, such as Krylon, do the job and still let me paint, lift, etc.? Thank you.

Reply by Ampersand

Using a workable fixative will allow for more pencil marks, but will greatly reduce the absorbency of the surface, so watercolor won't work well. Testing different types and hardness of pencils may help you find the right combination. Also, a lighter touch with the drawing will mean that there is less graphite pigment that could smear when wet.

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